Friday, January 15, 2010

cambodia.. ??

ok so obviously my head still isn't in the right place.. but this could be brilliant. and whatever, i know i'm odd enough to do it. for real. anyswayz about 12 years ago NASA developed technology that allows them to see what's on the ground in dense jungle. apparently there was a temple in cambodia that's 1 square mile.. that was completely undiscovered til recently. only a handful of people in the modern world have been there. my friend jeremy discovered this story from an author he met at a booksigning last week. the author was one of the first people to go there. along with this british archeologist. they had to bribe officials.. hire a military escort.. the whole kuhbooodle. there's a huge ammt of unrest in cambodia between 2 warring factions. and kidnapping has become a viable business there. however that's just the downside. the upside is.. HOLYCRAPWHATACOOLTRIP. it'd be less glorious than indiana jones.. but who in the world could say they went on a trip like that. . . . and it's not that expensive. so basically i'm in at the moment. now knowing me there is a decent chance i'll get kidnapped but that's a small price to pay to do something as epic as this. i theenk. hopefully myddw won't have a post about how i got sold into sex slavery in the far east 2 years from now.

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